
Augmented AI to Smart Cities: Tech Trends That Will Shape the Future

July 22, 2024

Technology is evolving at the fastest rate ever witnessed, with new developments rapidly progressing from their initial stages to augmented versions. Artificial intelligence technologies like gen AI might be all the rage. However, virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain, IoT, bioprinting, hyper-automation, quantum computing, and smart cities are all developing at tremendous rates. These technologies are slowly becoming a ubiquitous reality, infiltrating various industries, from healthcare and manufacturing to education, energy, retail, and gaming. Here are some of the tech trends poised to shape the future:

Augmented Artificial Intelligence

AI has transitioned from traditional assistants to sophisticated algorithms with immense analytical and predictive capabilities. With the introduction of generative AI and large language models, companies can expedite content creation and analyze vast amounts of data. Machine learning also allows artificial intelligence algorithms to identify user patterns, behavior, and preferences, resulting in more customized offers. Augmented AI delivers advanced automation capabilities by anticipating needs and streamlining tasks while constantly learning from existing data and new inputs.

The future of content creation, customer service, and data analysis will predictably be dominated by AI-driven tools, which work more efficiently, accurately, and faster than humans. Companies are already using AI-powered chatbots to provide personalized support, identify user patterns, flag suspicious activity, detect malware and unauthorized data access, and address data privacy issues, and other cybersecurity threats. Augmented AI’s benefits include business automation, personalized customer experiences, decision-making optimization, accurate data analysis, and healthcare breakthroughs.

Democratized Blockchain Systems

Blockchain technology was introduced to the world with the advent of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. These digital currencies have evolved into a popular payment option across online shops and gaming sites in the UK, Europe, and the rest of the world. Casinos and sportsbooks were among the first to accept cryptocurrencies, allowing players to explore real money products with crypto deposits. Today, the best online slots UK offer are available for playing using Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Tether, and many other cryptocurrencies. Players can also explore roulette, blackjack, craps, baccarat, poker, live shows, and more.

However, blockchain isn’t only used to power cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology provides a distributed ledger that’s immutable and decentralized. Its application has extended to finance, cybersecurity, supply chain management, healthcare, voting systems, and other use cases. Blockchain’s immutable nature enhances security and transparency while providing auditable trails. Companies are using blockchain ledgers to hold snapshots of networks, transaction records, medical records, and other data sets that require privacy and security. Since these ledgers are tamper-proof, they allow integration of AI and other tools to audit and flag suspicious activity, while keeping unauthorized users at bay.

Extended Reality Experiences

Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have been evolving steadily as innovators seek to bridge the physical and digital worlds. VR headphones are more affordable and easily accessible, allowing users to try and provide feedback about their virtual experiences. AR technologies are also integrated into modern apps and smart devices, overlaying digital elements onto real-world spaces and objects. Both technologies have great potential in gaming, live streaming, online social interactions, remote tours and experiences, telehealth, virtual guided maintenance, and other use cases.

However, extended reality or XR is emerging as the next big transition in blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds. Extended reality is more like mixed reality, which combines AR and VR technologies, but offers more optimized experiences to facilitate specific tasks. An example is delivering interactive training manuals using AR overlays in a factory or interacting with friends and entertainers via VR headphones while attending a live concert from home. Extended reality is set to revolutionize personal interactions, education, training, entertainment, retail experiences, and customer decision-making. These technologies offer immersive experiences almost indistinguishable from real life.

Bioprinting and Smart Cities

Three-dimensional bioprinting is set to make significant strides in the coming years as physicians, researchers, and medicine manufacturers work together to get the world closer to personalized medicine. 3D bioprinting uses living cells and biomaterials to create tissues and organs that can be used by humans, animals, or other applications. This technology promises to replace human tissues and organs with printed versions that work just as well if not better, resulting in shorter donor waiting lists. Bioprinting will also lead to disease modeling, personalized medicine, and accelerated drug discovery.

Another technology of the near future is smart cities founded on connected devices and systems. Many smart city initiatives have been launched and a surge is expected as countries seek to leverage the potential benefits and efficiencies of more automation and IoT devices. Smart cities adapt to the real-time needs of residents to reduce congestion, resource wastage, and downtime. For instance, traffic lights can dynamically adjust to ease congestion. These cities leverage sensors, devices, interconnected networks, big data, AI, and other emerging technologies to increase efficiency, enhance quality of life, and reduce environmental impact.

Key Takeaways About Future Tech Advancements

Technology continues to move at an unprecedented pace, push the boundaries of what’s possible, and revolutionize industries. Advancements in quantum computing are breaking computational barriers, making it possible to process large volumes of data at lightning speeds. Intelligent robots will also foreseeably take over many redundant and risky tasks thanks to hyper-automation technologies. While AI is the main focus in 2024, the future will be dominated by a mix of hybrid technologies working in unison to increase efficiency and automation.