
Common Types of Medical Negligence and How to Spot Them

June 25, 2024

Have you ever received treatment that left you feeling worse instead of better? Medical negligence is a serious issue that can have devastating effects on patients and their families. It occurs when healthcare professionals fail to provide the standard of care expected, leading to injury or harm.

Over the last decade, the damages paid by the NHS due to malpractice have significantly increased and there are more cases than ever. Recognising the signs of clinical negligence is essential for protecting yourselves and your loved ones, as well as for seeking justice.

Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis

A delayed or misdiagnosis occurs when a healthcare professional incorrectly diagnoses a condition or fails to diagnose it in a timely manner, leading to a delay in treatment and severe consequences. For example, a failure to diagnose cancer promptly could significantly impact treatment options and survival rates.

To spot this, look for symptoms that persist despite treatment or a diagnosis that doesn’t align with the symptoms. Keep detailed records of all medical visits, tests and treatments to identify inconsistencies.

Surgical Errors

These can range from operating on the wrong limb to leaving surgical instruments inside the patient. Such mistakes can lead to severe complications and require additional surgeries to correct, causing extreme psychological or physical harm.

Signs of surgical errors include unexpected pain, infection at the surgical site or a longer-than-expected recovery period. If you suspect a surgical error, seek a second opinion immediately and request your surgical records for review.

Medication Errors

Prescribing the wrong medication, dosage or failing to monitor for adverse reactions can have life-threatening consequences. In the prescription process, it’s estimated that 237 million medication errors occur at some point, and this can cause adverse reactions like allergic reactions and overdose.

To spot medication errors, always verify the medication and dosage with your pharmacist and keep an updated list of all medications you are taking. If you experience adverse effects, consult your healthcare provider immediately.

Birth Injuries

Malpractice during pregnancy, childbirth, or newborn care can cause harm to both mother and baby. This could include injuries sustained during a difficult delivery or a failure to identify and treat birth defects.

Signs of birth injuries include physical abnormalities, developmental delays or seizures in the newborn. If you suspect a birth injury, seek a specialist’s evaluation and maintain comprehensive medical records of the pregnancy and delivery.

What To Do

When dealing with any of the above, seeking the advice of a medical negligence solicitor can be crucial. These legal professionals specialize in navigating the complexities of malpractice cases and can help you understand your rights and the legal options available.

To find a reputable solicitor, look for those with a strong track record in these cases and positive client testimonials.